Team Directory
The Rev. Dale Gingrich
Tel: 01295 720252
Click here to email
Address: St Mary's Vicarage, Church Street, Bloxham, OX15 4ET
Church Wardens
Ms. Jan Ogilvy (Also Deanery Synod Representative)
Tel: 01295 720054/07881942590
Click here to email
Barbara Walklate
Tel: 01295 801927
Click here to email
Parochial Church Council (PCC) Members
Mrs. Lynn Brodey - Treasurer. Click here to email
Mrs Jax Hegarty - Deanery Synod Representative
Mrs. Sue Barbour
Mrs. Catherine Berry
Mr. Jon Carlton
Mr. Stephen Craggs
Mr. John Hirons
Mrs. Sue Perkin-Ball
Mrs. Liz Farmer, Safeguarding Officer
Retired Clergy and Ministry Partners
We are very fortunate to have a number of retired clergy who actively contribute to the ministry of our community.
Rev. John Smith
Rev. Olwen Smith
Rev. Michael Campling
Rev. Christine Turner
Rev. Hazel Scarr
Bloxham School Chaplain
St Mary's has a very close relationship with the school Chaplain, and the Deputy Headmaster, who is also a member of the clergy.
Rev. Alexander Ladds, Chaplain
Rev. Michael Price, Deputy Headmaster, Pastoral Support