Programme for 2024                             


18th June Deanery Festival, St Mary’s Bloxham.

18th July Summer outing

15th August No meeting

17th September Christians Against Poverty- CAP, tbc.

15th October Card writing for Bullingdon Prison 

19th November What does a Social Justice Advisor do?

                       Hannah Ling – Social Justice Advisor for Diocese of Oxford,

10th December Social. NB. This is the 2nd Tuesday.

                                            Other dates to remember

Sat 20th – Monday 22 nd April Wave of Prayer

Thurs 9th May – Sun. 19 th May - Thy Kingdom Come

8th – 16th June- Great Big Green Week

18th June 2.30pm - Deanery Festival, St Mary’s Bloxham.

Tues 15th October - Autumn Gathering, Benson !  0.00-13.00

16th April Where are we now with EcoChurch? - Neil Hegarty tbc.

                                              and Preparation for Christmas Tree Festival

Mon. 25 th November–Tues. 10 th December–16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence.

Service Tues.3rd December, 11.30 in St Mary’s Church

                                                           Committee :

 Pat Smith 07971808467, Gwynneth Read 720880, Alison Smith 721684, Michael Haynes

 For further information please click here for email link.