
Babies and young children are welcomed into the family of the church in baptism. All are welcome to bring children to baptism. Parents do not have to be baptised but godparents should be.Font used for baptism

Baptism is a serious, life-long commitment and if you are concerned about making such a commitment on behalf of your child, you might like to consider a service of thanksgiving and blessing.

Older children and adults who wish to acknowledge their commitment to Jesus Christ may be baptised or, if they were baptised as an infant, confirm their faith in a service of confirmation.

If you would like to discuss baptism for yourself or a child please contact the Vicar.

Whatever option you choose we are delighted you are considering a link with the church and you will be welcomed into your local Christian community.


Anyone who lives within the Parish boundary or with a qualifying connection has the right to be married at St Mary's. If you would like a church wedding, you will find the legal requirements, an explanation of the reading of banns and a lot of general information about the service and preparation at Your Church Wedding. 

Enquiries regarding weddings at St. Mary's should be made to the Vicar, Rev. Dale Gingrich, who will arrange an appointment to meet you. The purpose of the meeting is to check your eligibility to get married at St Mary's, to go through the process of planning a church wedding, explaining the paper work, booking the wedding but most importantly to begin to get to know you, and explain what the church will be offering you now and in the future.

Cost of a Wedding  

The cost of a church wedding is set by the Church of England every year and is therefore the same in every parish. This statutory cost is the basic legal fee and optional services such as an organist, bell ringers and flowers will incur additional fees. These can be discussed when you meet with the Vicar. 

As you prepare for your wedding we hope you will be able to join us on Sundays at 9.30am and feel part of the church family.

Blessings and Renewal of Marriage Vows

We rejoice with those who rejoice and we welcome those who would wish to have their Civil Marriage blessed in a Church ceremony.

It is a special joy to mark significant anniversaries in married life. Many couples renew their marriage vows at a ceremony in Church. If you would like to book such a ceremony, please contact the Vicar.

Cost of a Blessing or Renewal of Vows

There is not a set fee for a Blessing or a Renewal of Vows.  There will be a fee for the use of the Church etc. as for a wedding.  These fees will be advised at the time of booking.


The Funeral Director will usually contact the Vicar on behalf of the person organising a funeral and the Vicar will then make contact to discuss the details and offer support. Otherwise the Vicar can be contacted directly.