Prayers and Worship

 Contemplative Prayer group - we meet on Wednesday from 5.30pm to 6 in the Chancel of St Mary’s.  We keep silence from the chiming of the 5.30 bell, so please arrive 5 to 10 minutes before that, so you have time to find a seat and settle yourself without disturbing others. All are most welcome.                                                                                                   (

 Julian Contemplative Prayer & Meditation Group in addition to

contemplative prayer which takes place each Wednesday 5.30-6.00pm in the church,  Brian Fletcher will  be starting a Julian Group in the Parish Rooms on the 1st Monday of the month starting 7th November at 7.30pm in the Parish Rooms.  The meeting will start with a short talk, then a time for meditation and end with prayer.

Contact  or contact Brian on  Tel: 01295 720907 or Mob. 07498420792